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Single With a BAE: Identifying Bae


Bae. A word I swore I would never use. The word was as annoying to me as all the rap songs with the rapper singing every word instead of actually rapping. And just as these annoying songs with the catchy hook began to stick to my mind and had me dancing and hittin the QUAN; I also began smackin my lips, bobbing my head with a crazy smirk saying "THAT'S BAEEEE!"

I initially began using the term with men I'll probably never meet: Derek Luke, Idris Elba, and countless other sun kissed men of the arts. But then one day out of nowhere after ending a tango call, I looked into the distance that was smothered by the sprung thickened air of my bedroom and said..."That's BAE!" And with my analytical self, it was dire that I define just who/what bae is to me. I am guided by a strict principle when it comes to relationships: I am single until I am married. I never, however, considered the day I would deem someone as my "bae." And from my experience, there are certain rules of which you govern yourself when you are single (marital status) but have a bae.

Learning and understanding bae can be fun. Sometimes it can be annoying. Sometimes you can feel like a winner and sometimes you may fail miserably. The good part is that there is instruction from God even for the woman--- single but in love with Bae. God's word leaves nothing uncovered which is why I am so excited to move forward with this blog. This will be fun. Step One though: Identifying the Bae. lol

Identifying BAE.

Bae is the one who you see the most potential with. Bae is not just the one who gives you butterflies; instead, bae is the one who understands your transformation from a caterpillar into a butterfly. Bae is not the person who you fight over, but instead bae is the one you will definitely fight for (well, I know I will). Bae isn't perfect; but there is a perfect love that has developed in your heart for him. The moment I attached the term 'bae' to a real live person within my reach, I realized that it's a big deal to say that this individual is 'before anyone else'. HUGE DEAL.

Prayer: God help us identify who bae is. Help us identify who bae isn't. Give us the peace and patience to wait a little longer if who we think is it; isn't. Keep our ears tuned to your voice so that we may be guided in the right direction. Amen.


Don't lose whatever it was that attracted him to you while trying to impress others.

ENTRY TWO: SINGLE WITH A BAE: Not losing ME for a Premature WE

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ITMT has provided an amazing community that’s full of encouragement, laughter and motivation! Community has been something I’ve lacked as I have journeyed to my promise from God, but I’m grateful that God has sent me a wonderful community such as ITMT so I don’t have to fight and progress alone. ITMT’s community is an answered prayer.



ITMT has impacted me in a great way, mainly as it relates to the importance of community. For single women to have a safe place to just be... is without a doubt one of the greatest things to have in one’s single season. I love that we not only pray and trust God as we wait for our marriages, but we also laugh, cry, and hold one another accountable to being who and what God has called us to be overall. I love us so much!



ITMT has been the community I prayed for and received without noticing. When it comes to increase in faith, confidence, and being honestly transparent, ITMT was the place to be!! I’ve gained holy counsel, lifelong relationships and stepped into a part of myself I wasn’t aware was in me. It’s been a mental, physical and spiritual growth journey that I plan to remain with! Thank you BReel for your obedience, it lead to my obedience and so many more!! #obedience is greater than sacrifice!



ITMT has been a huge blessing in my life from the very beginning. Over the past year, it has given me more than I ever expected or realized I needed. During my time of being single, I've learned important principles that are helping me become the woman God wants me to be. As I’ve worked on myself, I've started to see myself more clearly, just as God sees me. This has helped me trust my own thoughts and decisions more. I’ve also learned to listen to God's guidance when it comes to my love life. I’m really thankful for BReel, who has been such a fighter for the Christian single woman.

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ITMT has helped me see the blessing in waiting. I’ve gained a healthier perspective of the assignment of marriage which has also allowed me to see the value in waiting. I can now comfortably and confidently say I don’t mind waiting for what God has promised me.


Phylicia Jas

ITMT has been a blessing to my soul and provided me with community and accountability I had no idea I needed. To be able to do life with so many amazing women, in the meantime is a continued reminder of Gods love for me. There is nothing better than a REAL safe space where you can authentically be yourself as you grow closer to God in the meantime.



ITMT has blessed me by providing me with a strong sense of community and support. It allowed me to gain deeper connections with others, strengthen my connection with God, and it has allowed me to activate my spiritual gifts.

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