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Single With a BAE: Am I Crazy?


Okay so it's just us girls here, right? I am speaking directly to YOU...but each time I address YOU, just imagine me standing in the mirror talking too. :)

Listen. You could have had sense all of your life UNTIL you get that bae that you REALLYYYY feelin! It's like an unknown crazy switch turns on before you even realize it.

If his phone goes off and he immediately tells you who it is and offers to show you, you are crazy.

If you know the exact amount of minutes it has been since he was active on facebook, you are crazy.

If you confront him on every female who likes his pictures, you are crazy.

Just a few....

Now, it's not that you want to be crazy; it is just that you have taken territorial to a whole 'notha level. I completely understand being territorial. I completely understand the rage that comes from something so little as a female sending him emojis. Let me tell you, them heart eyes gone get somebody torn to pieces. LOL... but seriously, it is up to us to manage our emotions. A little crazy is flattering, but a lot of crazy is gonna get you a one way ticket to alone. The underlying issue with crazy is insecurity. Perhaps a previous bae did you wrong and you've carried it into you current situation. Perhaps the current bae did something to make you feel some weird kind of way. Or maybe you have childhood issues that have caused you a great deal of insecurity. Insecurities stem from so many different things. Sometimes they are phyical and a lot of times they are completely psychological. Whatever the form; it is hazardous to both you and the bae to carry those insecurities around daily.

Now if you have become matched with the BAE who is going all the way; then he is more often than not confronting those insecurities and helping you conquer them through various affirmations. (He probably doesn't even realize it and that's a good thing.) But if your bae is just temporary, he probably doesn't have the patience to help you overcome these issues; which is why it is best to have these issues worked out already before adding a BAE to the equation.

And let's just be can be crazy if you choose. You can threaten any girl who looks at your bae. You can steal his phone and read his messages if you'd like. You can stalk his social media all day if you choose. You can cuss him out all the time for liking people's pictures. You can post pictures of you and him every hour of the day if you want. You can do the daggone most...if that's what you feel. BUT...WHATEVER HE WANTS TO DO, IT WILL GET DONE! (If he that's what he is on)...So save your blood pressure a little! It may seem a little crazy (no pun intended)...but give all of that crazy to GOD!!!! Give those insecurities to God. Don't be the crazy girl that everyone is looking at like "chile please!" PLEASE DON'T BE HER!!! IF YOU ARE HER, DON'T BE HER ANYMORE!!! If anything, let people call you crazy for never publicly responding to things they expect you to.

Remember: People are always going to talk. People are always looking for the next big story and when you don't share your story; they will come up with a storyline for you. And they will find a way to paint you as the crazy girl for even dealing with who you're dealing with...BUT... it's okay for people to think you're crazy for being in your situation as long as you and bae know what's up!!! DON'T BE CRAZY! BE WISE! SILENCE IS GOLDEN.

A foolish man lets out all his wrath, but a wise man keeps it back quietly. -Proverbs 29:11 (BBE)

Prayer: God help us to address our insecurities and overcome them. We bring you our crazy selves knowing that you can fix anything. Fix us God. Help us be wise women and not dwell and engage in foolishness. Amen.


Btw: Here's to every crazy moment we've ever had lmboooo!!! "Ring the Alarm" ;)

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ITMT has provided an amazing community that’s full of encouragement, laughter and motivation! Community has been something I’ve lacked as I have journeyed to my promise from God, but I’m grateful that God has sent me a wonderful community such as ITMT so I don’t have to fight and progress alone. ITMT’s community is an answered prayer.



ITMT has impacted me in a great way, mainly as it relates to the importance of community. For single women to have a safe place to just be... is without a doubt one of the greatest things to have in one’s single season. I love that we not only pray and trust God as we wait for our marriages, but we also laugh, cry, and hold one another accountable to being who and what God has called us to be overall. I love us so much!



ITMT has been the community I prayed for and received without noticing. When it comes to increase in faith, confidence, and being honestly transparent, ITMT was the place to be!! I’ve gained holy counsel, lifelong relationships and stepped into a part of myself I wasn’t aware was in me. It’s been a mental, physical and spiritual growth journey that I plan to remain with! Thank you BReel for your obedience, it lead to my obedience and so many more!! #obedience is greater than sacrifice!



ITMT has been a huge blessing in my life from the very beginning. Over the past year, it has given me more than I ever expected or realized I needed. During my time of being single, I've learned important principles that are helping me become the woman God wants me to be. As I’ve worked on myself, I've started to see myself more clearly, just as God sees me. This has helped me trust my own thoughts and decisions more. I’ve also learned to listen to God's guidance when it comes to my love life. I’m really thankful for BReel, who has been such a fighter for the Christian single woman.

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ITMT has helped me see the blessing in waiting. I’ve gained a healthier perspective of the assignment of marriage which has also allowed me to see the value in waiting. I can now comfortably and confidently say I don’t mind waiting for what God has promised me.


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ITMT has been a blessing to my soul and provided me with community and accountability I had no idea I needed. To be able to do life with so many amazing women, in the meantime is a continued reminder of Gods love for me. There is nothing better than a REAL safe space where you can authentically be yourself as you grow closer to God in the meantime.



ITMT has blessed me by providing me with a strong sense of community and support. It allowed me to gain deeper connections with others, strengthen my connection with God, and it has allowed me to activate my spiritual gifts.

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